This topic is primarily for administrators and other people who manage a Fiftytwo solution

This topic is about an API for on-premise use. To learn about Fiftytwo cloud-based APIs, go to https://api.fiftytwo.com/ .

52API SAVE RECEIPT, commonly known as Save receipt API, is typically used with retail systems like 52ViKING to give external partners or tools the ability to store receipts on a 52ViKING server, typically a 52ViKING store controller. It provides features such as:

  • Upload receipts
  • Store receipts
  • Validate data format
  • Convert receipts to a transaction format that the 52ViKING store controller can handle

Save receipt API is part of the 52MASTERPRICER suite of APIs.

The API currently uses the normal till engine to convert incoming receipts to TTs (transactions).

Save receipt API defines a single endpoint: /api/v1/SaveReceipt

To upload a receipt, use the endpoint to post an XML document that adheres to ReceiptBasket.xsd.