Deactivate 52ViKING Emergency POS and recover from emergency

This topic is primarily for administrators and other people who manage a Fiftytwo solution

Even though you activate 52ViKING Emergency POS per chain, you deactivate Emergency POS individually on your stores' 52ViKING store controllers by marking them as recovered as they gradually become able to enter regular production again.

Depending on the nature of the emergency, your store controllers may need to be reinstalled, have their network connections and integrations to other systems reestablished, etc. before you can use them in regular production again. Contact your Fiftytwo consultant, so that you can together assess what you need to do on your 52ViKING solution. The consultant can also help you quickly get any new server packages that you may need.

Generally, to be able to mark a store controller as recovered, you must:

  • Reestablish the store controller as necessary after the emergency. Ask your Fiftytwo consultant if you're in doubt.

    If you need to reinstall the ability to use MPOS and Emergency POS on the store controller, see Set up 52ViKING to run MPOS and Set up 52ViKING to run Emergency POS respectively.

    If you need to reinstall MPOS, you'll need a new mposonpremsc-[YOUR_ORGANIZATION_NAME].[YOUR CHAIN ID].tar package from Fiftytwo because the credentials used by the package will have changed. Ask your Fiftytwo consultant if you're in doubt.

  • Make sure that the store controller is in a condition where it's safe to use it, and that it'll be safe to download sales data from the emergency period to the store controller.

  • Reestablish the mobile POSs on the store controller with IDs that match the MPOS IDs used before and during the emergency, so that it'll be possible to download the sales data accumulated for each mobile POS that has run Emergency POS during the emergency period to the store controller when you connect the store controller to the Fiftytwo cloud repository again.

  • The store controller can now connect to the mobile POSs in the Fiftytwo cloud repository, from where it'll automatically begin to download sales data accumulated during the emergency period.

  • Verify that the store controller has downloaded all of the store's sales data accumulated during the emergency period from the Emergency POS solution.

When you're ready to mark a store controller as recovered, run the following script on the store controller in question:

  • -r

    The script is part of the epos-on-sc package that you installed when you set up the store controller to use Emergency POS.

Once you've marked the store controller as recovered, it'll stop using Emergency POS.

When you restart the store controller, it'll use regular 52ViKING MPOS again.

During the short period from when you mark the store controller as recovered, it stops using Emergency POS, you restart it, and until it begins to use mobile POS, the store's shop assistants will not be able to sell articles, neither with Emergency POS, nor with MPOS. We recommend that you inform affected shop assistants at the beginning and end of that period.

Related: 52ViKING Emergency POS

Related: Set up 52ViKING to run Emergency POS

Related: Activate 52ViKING Emergency POS