Manage article lists in 52ViKING Store Management

This topic is primarily for administrators and other people who manage a Fiftytwo solution

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Article lists can contain any articles that you find relevant for a particular purpose, typically for use in a discount group. Articles in an article list don't need to have the same price, belong in the same department, or have anything else in common. That gives you freedom to group together any articles that you find relevant. For example, some organizations use article lists to define articles that by law mustn't be paid for with a particular payment method.

You can manage article lists for a single store as well as for multiple stores at the same time in 52ViKING Store Management. Here, we primarily describe 52ViKING Store Management for single-store management, but if you've set up synchronization between your chain's enterprise controller and your stores' store controllers, you can use 52ViKING Store Management for chain-wide store management as well.