52ViKING till balance & bookkeeping
With 52ViKING (previously also known as 52RETAIL), you can at all times get an overview of cash balances and their breakdown according to individual payment methods by till and/or operator, just as you can view differences and other key figures for the relevant tills and/or operators.
Furthermore, 52ViKING performs its own daily balance to ensure that everything has gone as it should, and that all data is in place in the system. The result of this balance is automatically documented in a balance report.
52ViKING also creates a bookkeeping log with the listing of financial account numbers for product sales for your individual product groups, received payments, etc. The bookkeeping log can be imported directly in a backend financial system.
52ViKING processes both fixed operators and floating salespersons, and it covers cash drawer statements and operator balance functions and procedures.
When balancing according to the fixed operator principle, 52ViKING summarizes the till amount per till rather than per person who operates it. This method is primarily used when several salespersons use the same till (for example service tills and information desks). See also 52ViKING POS shop assistant roles.
You can make cash drawer statements on tills, and a parameter per payment method indicates whether a cash drawer statement must also be made for the payment method.
The parameter also determines whether any cash drawer statements for payment methods should cover:
The amount taken by the each required payment method
- or -
The number of payments by each required payment method (typically used for bottle deposit redemption slips and cheques)
You can use the till as a calculator when you count amounts of cash (for example 20 × EUR 10 bills + 55 × EUR 2 coins, etc.).
You can define the allowed threshold for accepting a till difference is given per payment method.
You can define whether or not to make the person counting aware of the fact that there's a till difference. If you choose to inform about till differences, you can also define whether or not to inform the person counting about the size of the difference.
Related: 52ViKING Web POS UI till management (cash statements, etc.)
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Last update: 29 November, 2024 13:22:48 CET
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