52ViKING POS Designer resources
This topic is primarily for administrators and other people who manage a Fiftytwo solution
In 52ViKING POS Designer, resources are things that you bring into POS Designer in order to use them on your layouts and components. Examples: Images, icons, fonts, scripts, languages.
To get an overview of your resources, select Resources in the dark bar in the left side of POS Designer. The resources are grouped into resource groups, like Images, Icons, etc.
You can attach and add resources directly to resource groups.
Attach: To attach a resource to a resource group, click (that's the paper clip icon) in the required resource group, browse to the required resource, and select it.
Add: For some resources, such as layout scripts, icons, etc., you can also add new resources if you click in the resource group.
Example of adding an icon:
In the Icons resource group, click .
Specify a file name for the new icon, which must be in .svg (Scalable Vector Graphics ) format.
Make sure that Open code editor after creation is selected, and click Add.
In the editor window that opens, paste the .svg. code of the required icon from, for example, Google Fonts icons into the empty field in line number 1. Example:
Click Save, and then reload the page to close editor window. The new .svg icon now appears in the Icons resource group, and you can use it your designs.
Some resources can also be added through components. For example, if you add an image component to a layout, and you edit the component's properties to upload a particular image for use with that component, the image gets stored in the Images resource group.
Expand a resource group and then click next to the required resource to view your management options for the resource in question.
Management options depend on the type of resource, but you're typically able to clone, edit, rename, delete, or download a resource. For some resources, like images and icons, you're also able to view the resource.
Valid layout script formats:
.js (JavaScript )
Valid image formats:
.svg (Scalable Vector Graphics )
Valid icon file formats:
.svg (Scalable Vector Graphics )
Valid video formats:
External video links (for example to videos on YouTube) added via the video player component
You can use flags instead of text on language selector components.
Valid flag image formats:
Valid font formats:
.woff (Web Open Font Format )
Valid formats:
Valid style sheet formats:
Valid script formats:
.js (JavaScript )
Valid language resource file formats:
See Manage 52ViKING POS Designer languages for more information.
Valid keyboard definition file formats:
Valid formats for validation files, for example for initial validation of vouchers:
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Last update: 20 December, 2024 13:22:23 CET
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