52ViKING Web POS UI dashboard
To access housekeeping features or view statistics about sales in the 52ViKING web-based POS display, select the Dashboard tab on the left side of the display.
Depending on your organization's setup, you may have access to housekeeping features, such as:
Goods intake
Web orders
Order placement
Reordering suggestions
Min/max adjustment
Purchase orders
Stock adjustment
Ask your supervisor if you're in doubt.
It's possible to display many types of statistics about numbers of customers, revenue per till, revenue per store, top-selling articles, etc.
Exactly which statistics you're able to view depends on what's been set up in your organization and which role you have. For example, not every role in your organization may have rights to view information about the organization's total revenue. The illustration in the following is thus an example only.
Your Fiftytwo administrator can set up dashboards to be customizable by shop assistants. For example, you may be able to drag individual widgets around on the dashboard to position them exactly where you want them, or you may be able to change the way that a graph displays data, for example from a bar chart to a line chart. Ask your Fiftytwo administrator if you're in doubt.
Related: Handle sales in 52ViKING Web POS UI
Related: Handle returns in 52ViKING Web POS UI
Related: Search for articles in 52ViKING Web POS UI
Related: 52ViKING Web POS UI till management (cash statements, etc.)
Related: Handle B2B customers in 52ViKING Web POS UI
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Last update: 20 December, 2024 13:22:23 CET
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