Handle sales in 52ViKING Web POS UI

52ViKING Web POS UI (Point-Of-Sale User Interface) is an extremely flexible and feature-rich web-based display for shop assistants who handle sales in supermarkets and other stores.

Despite being feature-rich, 52ViKING Web POS UI is never overwhelming because it only displays the features that the shop assistant needs in any given situation.

The right side of 52ViKING Web POS UI is where you sell articles, grant discounts, get payment, handle returns, do cash statements, etc:

1: Information line – displays selected article, shop assistant ID, time, errors, etc.
2: Journal – the area where you build up a purchase order when you scan or manually add articles
3: Total area – where you tap to complete the sale and receive payment
4: Menu – content changes depending on what you're working on
5: Keypad – for entering article numbers, multiples, discounts, corrections, etc.

Related: Search for articles in 52ViKING Web POS UI

Related: Handle returns in 52ViKING Web POS UI

Related: 52ViKING Web POS UI till management (cash statements, etc.)

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