Manage articles in 52ViKING Store Administration

This topic is primarily for administrators and other people who manage a Fiftytwo solution

You may need to have particular user rights in order to use this feature. Ask your Fiftytwo administrator if you're in doubt.

You can manage your articles for a single store as well as for multiple stores at the same time in 52ViKING Store Administration. Here, we primarily describe 52ViKING Store Administration for single-store management, but if you've set up synchronization between your chain's enterprise controller and your stores' store controllers, you can use 52ViKING Store Administration for chain-wide store management as well.

  1. Open 52ViKING Store Administration in a browser, connect to the IP address or hostname of the required 52ViKING store controller, and log in.

  2. In the 52ViKING Store Administration top ribbon, select Articles.

    Example only: Options in top ribbon depend on your user rights